Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

This letter to my past and the future later

This letter to my past and the future later
            Have you think i will go back to the past .. ? Yes , it is possible that will happen. Where we all definitely have an experience. Whether it is experience that we think are happy, fun and even want to that we restart. But there are also experience that makes us sad , miserable, Even made we are not going to get from reality , and from experience unpleasant it , must we could just learn and remember this experience.
            If only time i can go back, I would definitely improve i became women useful, Have a good personality, Being even figure Children Who can boast second My Parents. I also want to go back to those days of high school. Where the as there was only one time and will not happen again. Now I've been in college, it does not like what I was thinking. Yesterday I think in college it was very interesting not boring. such as high school (SMA), but it was just a fantasy only, where college I feel now it hurts, necessary sacrifices, and be independent, and this course is very challenging us to be disciplined time, and challenges us to be someone who has a personality that is more and more that does not possess people or ordinary citizens. So wish me if I could go back to the past, I will improve my personality, become a better person and not wasting time.
            For the future I always look forward to
From the experience I have gained experience of course I want to improve my personality so not the same as it used to be. For the next ten years I would like to be a child who is always close to the Allah, children who can make my parents proud wants to become a qualified teacher and professional and also wants to be a useful self for families, communities and the country of Indonesia. And hopefully I can improve  the  child behavior high school (SMA) better so they do not experience regret. And the last hope to see and to fulfill my parents to go to the Baitullah "MEKAH". Aamiin.

"Come on youth revived the surge of nationalism created this country into a nation living with harmony, The glory, and lest we colonized by developments of this era, let's create the spirit of patriotism for the sake of our country The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia"

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